June 2, 2023

We asked a super-computer (ChatGPT) to fact-check Camber’s investment principles.

We discovered that ChatGPT without further prompting was able to come to similar conclusions…



Q: Is it hard to beat the stock market by picking individual stocks?

A: Yes, it is generally considered difficult to consistently beat the market by picking individual stocks. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Efficient Market Hypothesis: The efficient market hypothesis suggests that stock prices already reflect all available information, making it challenging to consistently identify undervalued or overvalued stocks. In an efficient market, it becomes difficult to gain a sustainable advantage and consistently outperform the overall market.
  2. Information and Competition: Markets are highly competitive, with numerous professional investors and institutions analyzing stocks and seeking profitable opportunities. Access to information is widespread, and any new information that could impact stock prices is quickly reflected in the market. It is challenging for individual investors to have an informational edge over other market participants.
  3. Behavioural Biases: Individual investors can be prone to behavioral biases that can lead to irrational decision-making. Emotions such as fear and greed can influence stock selection and timing, often resulting in suboptimal investment outcomes. Emotional biases can cloud judgment and make it difficult to consistently make objective and rational investment decisions.
  4. Lack of Diversification: Picking individual stocks exposes investors to company-specific risks. Even if one stock performs well, a concentrated portfolio increases the potential for significant losses if that stock underperforms or faces financial difficulties. Diversification across different stocks and asset classes helps manage risk and reduces the impact of individual stock performance.
  5. Time and Skill Requirements: Successful stock picking requires significant time and effort devoted to research, analysis, and monitoring. It necessitates a deep understanding of company financials, industry dynamics, and macroeconomic factors. The skill and expertise needed to consistently pick winning stocks are beyond the reach of many individual investors.

While there are instances where individual investors have achieved notable success in picking stocks, it is often difficult to replicate such outcomes consistently over the long term.

Many studies have shown that, on average, professional fund managers and individual investors who engage in active stock picking tend to underperform the broader market over extended periods.

For most investors, a more prudent approach is to focus on diversification, asset allocation, and adopting a long-term investment strategy. Passive investing through index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that provide broad market exposure is a popular alternative

Q: What is better time in the stock market or timing entry and exit points in the stock market?

A: The concept of "time in the market" versus "timing the market" refers to two different investment strategies:

  1. Time in the Market: This strategy focuses on staying invested in the market for the long term, regardless of short-term fluctuations. Investors who follow this approach believe that, over time, the stock market tends to rise, and the compounding effect of staying invested can lead to satisfactory returns. The emphasis is on having a well-diversified portfolio and maintaining a long-term perspective.
  2. Timing Entry and Exit Points: This strategy involves attempting to predict short-term market movements to buy stocks at low prices and sell them at high prices. Investors following this strategy aim to capitalize on market trends or specific events that can impact stock prices. Timing entry and exit points require active monitoring of market conditions, technical analysis, and potentially taking advantage of short-term trading opportunities. While the concept of timing entry and exit points can seem appealing, it is notoriously challenging to execute successfully. The stock market is influenced by numerous unpredictable factors, and short-term price movements are often driven by random fluctuations, news events, or investor sentiment. Accurately predicting these movements consistently is extremely difficult, even for experienced investors.

Research suggests that attempting to time the market can be counter productive. Market timing requires not only getting the timing right for both buying and selling, but also avoiding missed opportunities while being out of the market. Many studies have shown that even professional fund managers struggle to consistently time the market and outperform a passive, buy-and-hold strategy over the long term.

In contrast, the "time in the market" strategy focuses on the benefits of long-term investing, such as compounding returns, reduced transaction costs, and avoiding the potential pitfalls of market timing.

By maintaining a diversified portfolio and staying invested through market cycles, investors can potentially capture the overall growth of the market over the long term.

It's important to note that individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizons can influence the suitability of these strategies  For most investors, a long-term approach that emphasizes time in the market and a well-diversified portfolio tends to be a more reliable path to building wealth.

Q: Can experts reliably predict what is going to happen in the stock market?

A: Experts face challenges in reliably predicting the stock market due to its complex and unpredictable nature. Historical data shows that even seasoned experts struggle to consistently outperform or make accurate short-term predictions.

Investors often adopt a diversified, long-term approach to navigate market uncertainties and focus on factors within their control, such as asset allocation and risk management.

Q: Is investing with Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) a good long-term approach?

A: Investing in Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) portfolios can be a prudent long-term approach for many investors. DFA is known for its evidence-based investment strategies that are rooted in rigorous academic research. They focus on factors such as company size, value, profitability, and market efficiency to construct portfolios that aim to deliver long-term outperformance.

DFA's approach emphasizes broad diversification, disciplined trading, and controlling costs. By targeting specific dimensions of expected returns and implementing them efficiently, DFA aims to capture market premiums over the long run. Their investment philosophy is aligned with principles supported by decades of academic research.

It's important to note that like any investment, DFA portfolios are subject to market fluctuations and risks. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. It is essential for investors to have a clear understanding of their financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon when considering any investment approach, including DFA portfolios.

Consulting with a financial advisor can help determine if DFA portfolios align with your investment objectives and risk profile. A diversified and disciplined approach to investing, coupled with a long-term perspective, can increase the likelihood of achieving your financial goals.

Q: Can I trust Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) with my money?

A: Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) is a well-established and reputable investment management firm that has been in operation since 1981. They manage significant assets for institutional investors, financial advisors, and individual investors worldwide.

While I cannot provide personal recommendations or guarantee specific outcomes, there are a few factors to consider when evaluating whether you can trust DFA with your money:

  1. Track Record: DFA has a long track record of implementing their investment approach, which is based on extensive academic research. They have demonstrated commitment to their investment philosophy and have consistently applied it over the years. However, past performance is not indicative of future results.
  2. Research-Based Approach: DFA's investment approach is grounded in academic research and focuses on capturing dimensions of higher expected returns in the market. Their strategies are designed based on rigorous analysis and aim to provide broad diversification and risk management.
  3. Transparency and Disclosures: DFA provides transparent information about their investment strategies, fees, and historical performance. They offer comprehensive disclosure documents and regulatory filings that outline their approach and help investors make informed decisions.
  4. Client-Centric Focus: DFA works through financial advisors who act as fiduciaries, meaning they are legally obligated to act in their clients' best interests. DFA's focus is on long-term investing and helping clients achieve their financial goals. Their investment philosophy is designed to align with the best interests of their clients.
  5. Regulatory Oversight: DFA operates under the regulations and oversight of financial regulatory bodies in the jurisdictions where they operate. This provides an additional layer of oversight and accountability.

It’s important to remember that investing always carries risks, and no investment is guaranteed. Before making any investment decisions, it’s advisable to carefully evaluate your own financial situation, goals, risk tolerance, and consider consulting with a qualified financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to trust DFA with your money should be based on your own research, understanding of their investment philosophy, and comfort level with their approach.

Q: Is it more important for financial advisors to focus on investment management or financial planning?

A: The relative importance of investment management and financial planning can vary based on individual circumstances and preferences. However, in general, financial planning takes precedence over investment management for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Approach: Financial planning encompasses a broader range of financial aspects, including budgeting, cash flow management, tax planning, retirement planning, estate planning, risk management, and more. It addresses the entirety of a client's financial life and goals, considering factors beyond just investments.
  2. Goal Alignment: Financial planning focuses on understanding the client's financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and unique circumstances. It aims to develop a customized plan that aligns investment strategies with specific objectives, ensuring investments are integrated within the broader financial context.
  3. Risk Management and Diversification: While investment management involves selecting and managing investment assets, financial planning incorporates risk management strategies that extend beyond individual investments. It emphasizes diversification, asset allocation, and risk mitigation across various asset classes, aiming to achieve long-term financial security.
  4. Financial Decision-Making: Financial planning helps individuals make informed decisions beyond just investment choices. It addresses cash flow management, debt management, insurance needs, tax optimization, and other financial considerations that impact overall financial well-being.
  5. Long-Term Perspective: Financial planning takes into account the long-term view of a client's financial journey. It emphasizes building a sustainable and adaptable financial plan that can withstand changing circumstances, market conditions, and evolving goals.

While investment management is an important aspect of financial advisory services, it is best approached within the context of a comprehensive financial plan. By focusing on financial planning first, advisors can ensure that investment strategies align with clients' goals, risk tolerance, and overall financial well-being. This holistic approach enables clients to achieve their desired outcomes and navigate the complexities of their financial lives more effectively.


In conclusion, this probably seems all very reasonable and logical, and that every financial advisor does it this way. However, Camber's approach to financial planning and investment management is seen as unconventional by the industry.

We don’t pick stocks, market time, or attempt to predict the future.

Instead, our focus is on financial planning, task management, and evidence-based investment.

ChatGPT won’t replace your service team anytime soon, but it was a fun experiment to have the most intelligent artificial brain in human history fact-check Camber.